Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Rich Dad Poor Dad - does it really help?

What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
Did you read this book?

To some its the best thing happened to poor or financially weak. To a few others like john this is a waste, highly unrecommended to those who wish to make some money and lead a good life.

If you read the book, you get highly motivated and it feels as if this guy is a genius. But think again, after reading it.. you are left with a lot of unanswered questions inside. Its like, okay.. i have to build my assets and reduce the liabilities to have a stable cash flow.. but how do i do that? whats the best way to build assets ? or should i quit chasing high paying jobs and start something on my own? The book says investing is one good example to build assets, but thats not always feasible. It also says having your own company can reduce the taxes, but its not advisable unless you have a strong backup. In short, we are made to believe that there is a simple way to get rich, but the way is not defined... and the author plays with this thought throughout the book. You are given assurances that getting rich is a cake walk but it doesn't tell you anything in specific which you can act on to achieve it.

I agree with john in some of his arguments, but then Robert Kiyosaki's basic cash flow logic is absolutely correct. He might have built up the plot on a fictitious character (Rich Dad) and might have used all fake stories to support his logic, but the gist of it stands out true.

I have been reading about this book and several other ones in the same series to get a further insight about this whole idea of financial literacy and developing some assets. Robert Kiyosaki is promoting investing as the best option but somehow I'm not totally convinced with the idea.. starting my own corporate house sounds like much more fun to me.. I may be wrong but I would like to explore it further. Do you have any suggestions on the idea of building assets, especially with India in the backdrop..